Friday, October 22, 2010


Love is just a word many times repeated, but what’s the meaning?
You say and I say "I love you," but what does it really mean?
It mean being there when I need you the most, it means Loyalty, Respect, and Honesty.
So when you say "I love you," do you really mean it or do you say it because you like the way it rolls off the tongue. Do you say it because you think that what I want to hear, because when I tell someone I love them it because I respect them, would never lie to them and always be trustworthy toward them.
Never say you love me because that what you think I want to hear because in the END you’re only hurting me more.

Monday, October 4, 2010


  • I am La'Dajah Elliott
  • I wonder where life is going to take me
  • I hear my heart and mind telling me to walk away
  • I see anger and violence all around
  • I pretend I'm not there
  • I feel hurt, sad, and disappointed
  • I am La'Dajah Elliott

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


There's a alot of thiings u should kno bout me for starters my name iis dae iim 16 years old and a junoiir at Rosemary Anderson hiigh school, iim a very niice person wonce u get 2 kno me,and  ii dont like drama ,there only 2 people iin thiis world that ii truely trust (jassmiine&lasha),iive been hurt bii many, and ii hate beiin liied 2, ii made many miisstakes iin my liife and tryiin 2 learn from them all, ii love to siing and eat , and ii love haters they make liife fun!!!!
well ii kno there's more 2 say but cant thiink of anythiing riight now!!!!
Someday everythiing wiill make perfect sense.So for now,laugh at the confusiion,smiile through the tears,and keep remiindiing yourself everythiing happens for a reason. Whats meant to be wiill always fiind a way.
nappy weevz
corny femalez
diisrespectful boyz