Tuesday, September 28, 2010


There's a alot of thiings u should kno bout me for starters my name iis dae iim 16 years old and a junoiir at Rosemary Anderson hiigh school, iim a very niice person wonce u get 2 kno me,and  ii dont like drama ,there only 2 people iin thiis world that ii truely trust (jassmiine&lasha),iive been hurt bii many, and ii hate beiin liied 2, ii made many miisstakes iin my liife and tryiin 2 learn from them all, ii love to siing and eat , and ii love haters they make liife fun!!!!
well ii kno there's more 2 say but cant thiink of anythiing riight now!!!!
Someday everythiing wiill make perfect sense.So for now,laugh at the confusiion,smiile through the tears,and keep remiindiing yourself everythiing happens for a reason. Whats meant to be wiill always fiind a way.
nappy weevz
corny femalez
diisrespectful boyz